Tuesday, September 22, 2015

albert chong

first creation from polaroids taken at Albert Chong's art show at Projective Eye Gallery...

and a land camera portrait of the artist...

the sound of the wings in slow motion take on a whole new dimension...

Sunday, September 13, 2015

first transfer attempt from instant Fuji. different than the lifts I've been making from impossible film - going to take some practice...

Friday, September 11, 2015



Ecology:  the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.

Everything is connected.

Einstein theorized that space and time are intertwined and that matter is inseparable from an ever-present quantum energy field.

Physicist David Bohm found that individual electrons act as part of an interconnected whole.

The scientific discovery of Non-Locality, the wave/particle duality, meant that everything is joined or connected together.

According the Bell’s Theorem, objects affect one another forever, no matter where they are, once they are connected.

“Interdependence is at the creation of all things.  The separation between us and nature is a mirage.  The perception is the result of ignorance.”  Ed McGaa, Oglala Sioux spiritual teacher

“All is one.”  The Buddhist scripture Avatamsaku Sutra

“Stirred by a nostalgia for something you couldn’t even put a name to, you began looking at the stars.  Likewise, you started to feel an affinity with the trees, the butterflies, the sun, the animals, and the birds.  In the vast reaches of the sky and the sweetness of nature, you rediscovered something of yourself that had been forgotten.” Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan, Awakening:  A Sufi Experience

“It follows that in the simple act of a few drops of wine into the very blood of Our Lord everything is contained; all the universe is made one in this new creation.”  The American Catholic Quarterly Review, Volume 47, Issue 185

The world seems so divided.  Different religions, cultures, beliefs, rituals, countries, ethnicities, genders.  The city and the country.  Civilization and the natural world. 

Every action has a reaction.  Everything is made of energy.  Everything is one.

The Buddhist ritual of water offering bowls, the Catholic ritual of ash Wednesday.  The cement that is poured into the earth and the earthworms underground.  The bowls and the air that fills the void when the bowls are removed.  The coal that burns, the ash from the coal, the hand that scoops the water from the creek, the water that extinguishes the fire…  All connected.




air dancer love

Monday, September 7, 2015