Tuesday, June 21, 2016

No Vacancy CLT room installation at C3Lab - Summer 2016

View of room installation as visitors begin to interact and I make some changes based on that interaction and current events...

image by katie lloyd
image by katie lloyd
image by katie lloyd
image by katie lloyd

image by katie lloyd

image by digdeepgetdirty on instagram

 image by cltstorytellers on instagram

image by NoVacancyCLT on instagram

Thursday, June 9, 2016

painting from 1995

No Vacancy CLT room installation at C3Lab - Summer 2016

The core concept of the room is based on string theory, theory of everything, everything is connected, everything is made of the same matter, etc…

To enter the room, one must navigate through string.

Inside the room is a desk against the wall with an old brass banker’s lamp on top.  There are blank, white puzzle pieces on the desk.

In one desk drawer is a Bible (Bibles are always in hotel rooms, after all…) open to Luke.  Luke 9:58 is highlighted.  This verse reads, “Jesus replied, Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”

In the other drawer is a 1950s newspaper with the headline Integration Disturbance in Baltimore.  This article is about students protesting segregation.  There is also a current newspaper in the room, to be replaced throughout the exhibition.

The middle compartment of the desk pops open.  There is a mirror.  On the mirror is written ‘Your perception is your reality.’  Inside the compartment is a bird’s nest with a ball of string, some red darts, an intact blank, white puzzle, and the book How to Kill a Mockingbird

Over the desk on the wall is a Mexican style painting of The Last Supper.  Hanging on a clothes hanger in front of Jesus is a green apple with a red dart (forbidden fruit, origin of suffering, and reference to Son of Man painting by Rene Magritte).

The back wall is wallpapered with shooting range targets that are black silhouettes.  Nails are placed in the wall and string is wrapped around them and connected throughout.

On another wall is a bed of nails.  On top of the bed of nails is a sleeping fox and a television playing video art by j.Davis.

There is a suitcase kept open by the tension of string incorporated inside.  The suitcase contains broken eggshells holding balled up string.

In the middle of the room strings are hanging in a square formation from overhead with white feathers attached.  Sitting on the floor in the middle of this is a female torso covered in string and punctured by red darts.  String runs through the torso and out of the empty head hole and connects up to the ceiling.  Hanging over this is a cocoon with feathers inside.

Images of room installation before any visitor interaction